Travel guide

Top Tips For Planning Your Pioneer Trip To Africa


More and more people of the African diaspora are increasingly exploring the world. However, most of these individuals may have never visited this great continent. The truth is, we are always quick to hop on a flight to Bangkok but quite hesitant to book a trip to Africa. I am sorry to tell you that you have been missing a lot. You may have finally gathered the courage to make your maiden trip to Africa. You want to finally get a taste of the rich culture on this continent, but you have mixed feelings. While you are excited about visiting a country or continent that you have never before, you may be feeling a bit scared. We understand your fears, but we are here to assure you that you will never regret visiting Africa. Africa has friendly people and is covered with natural beauty and resources.

So, what should you do?

  • What about finding an African friend and tagging along with him or her on their next trip?

If you have an African friend who is planning a trip to Africa, you may consider going with him or her. This will not only curb your fears and make you feel more comfortable, but it will also lead to a better experience. The friend will help you learn about their local culture and give you ideas on how to get an authentic experience.

  • Only visit when you can afford two weeks of exploring.

I always discourage people from going on vacation when they cannot afford to spend quality and quantity of time at the destination. The journey to Africa may be quite long, depending on your continent of residence. You may want to give your body some time to relax and adjust before you can explore tourist attractions. You also want to have adequate time to experience your country of destination, and it may mean you taking long road trips. As such, you don’t want to rush your exploration.

  • Forget about the health scares.

Generally, regardless of the continent you are visiting, you will want to take some shots. Additionally, you may also have to take malaria prophylactics as a precaution. While you may get some mosquito bites, it doesn’t mean that you will fall ill. Do you want to sacrifice a great experience for a mosquito bite that hardly occurs? This is just a minor hurdle whose chances of encountering are very slim. If you have any concerns, we could link you with native travel concierges who will help you address them.

  • Sacrifice your comfort for the experience.

African countries have remarkable travel and hospitality infrastructure. However, you want to experience life away from the city. The villages in African countries will be a great city escape experience for you. Forget about the five-star hotels and step out of your comfort zone. Spend a night or two in the village, bathe with cold water (no one died of bathing with cold water and basking in the sun), and experience being in a place without electricity. Can you imagine how it will feel eating with your hands? Just try and see how it goes. If in any case you feel tired of the local food, you can go back to the cities, but you would have had a different experience.

  • Dance until you drop

Do I need to say more? Africa is a home of dance, and people here dance in clubs and even at public events. So, wear your dancing shoes, look for the nearest club and enjoy your night!

Are you still scared? Talk to us today. We will help you plan for a great experience in Africa.

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